Winter Blues

Hi all!

It has been a weird week. I am still trying to get over this sickness. I have a sinus yucky, my nose is rebelling and trying very hard to run off my face or make my head feel like it is full of cotton! I am tired, just so tired all the time! :( I am sure it is winter blues and I'm sure it is getting me down more than I thought it would. I did not have the winter blues in Hawaii...I really miss Hawaii right now. It is cold, very cold to me and very disheartening. Hate the cold!

The only bright spots are Jayne is coming on Monday! She said she would call me! :) I am excited about that! And I get to go to work and see my kids. I just hope I'm well enough to not sneeze or blow boogers on them.

I have been busy scrapbook wise or altering wise! :) I have more pictures of stuff I have been making. I am thinking of selling some of the mailboxes on ebay, but I'm afraid they won't sell and then I will have listing fees to pay and well, we aren't rich right now! :)

I also have a secret pal at school, she is one of the other teachers. I am going to be gifting her with this

on Monday. Monday's are usually my hardest days to get motivated. Hopefully this will make her Monday! :)

Ok, now on the homefront. Billy got a letter from Pensacola for the Assisstant Director to the Airport in town. This is the job that Billy really wants. The letter is for a background check and then after that comes clear then they will start the process for interviewing and hiring! :) Everyone pray!

Bethanie and Branch are doing Great. Bethanie's Birthday party and her cake came out great.
Check this layout out about her Birthday! That cake went over so well!!! NOT...We got lots of EWWW that's Gross! Some of the kids couldn't eat it, but it really did taste good!

Branch got in trouble yesterday, they sent his report card in the mail. They only send report cards in the mail when there is a bad grade on them. He got an F in Social Personal Skills. Then he tried to say ..."But Mom I have Autism." I thought I was going to die laughing!

I told him that class was made to help him and that he had to do his best and an F told me he was not trying his best. He said he would try to do better, but I will get in touch with the teacher to find out what is going on too. If he needs a coach or help that is one thing, but if they are expecting him to do things on his own, that is not going to happen until they TEACH the skill they want him to know. I don't think they have. Hummmm, that gets my advocate/teacher self mad! The Mom part wants to make him feel better, the teacher part says, if my student failed what have I not done to make him understand what I am trying to teach. Funny how when one of my students have failed I feel like I have failed. I hope that is how is teacher feels. If he did not do homework or all of his classwork, that is one thing, but if she is expecting him to read something and do it on his own, then she will have hell to pay! He doesn't learn that way!

Sorry this is such a long post! I didn't mean to do that! I am going to make another post about my tool caddy for my scrapbook friends! :) So, this is going to be fun for family and for my scrap freinds!

thanks for reading this and see you later!


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