Happy Memorial Day

Hello Bloghoppers!
Welcome to our Memorial Day Blog Hop!

This is a layout I made for my husband when he retired from The Air Force.
 There is NO cricut stuff...but this is a simple statement of the pride I have in him and the long career we had in the Air Force.
K & Co. paper and stickers
CD's (see'd's) stamps for the military
Thank you stamp is stampabilties

Thank you for looking to day and leave a comment and I will send some blog candy (a box of scrappy goodies) to a randomly drawn person in comments. Just leave a way for me to get in touch with you if you win.
Thank you for visiting today...

here is next in line.

 Kristen - http://fantabulouslypink.blogspot.com/ --You go here NEXT!

You are here from....

1. Michele - http://greengirlscraps.blogspot.com/ ------- You camer from HERE!

2. Laura - http://lauras--piece--of--paradise.blogspot.com/----- You are here!

3. Kristen - http://fantabulouslypink.blogspot.com/--You go here NEXT!

4. Rexann - http://ibecircled.blogspot.com/

5. Jamie - http://www.myamusinglife.blogspot.com/

6. Dana - Paper Memories (http://irwdanataft.blogspot.com/ )

7. Cindy - http://www.inlovewithpaper.blogspot.com/

8. Brenda - http://happyscrapper64.blogspot.com/

9. Roberta - http://www.txscrappermom.blogspot.com/

10. Renee - http://icameisawicreated.blogspot.com/

Thanks for stopping by! Happy Memorial Day to you!


Lisa said…
What an awesome tribute page to your husband! I love the elements you used and your design! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm a new follower :)

Misty said…
Awesome Layout! I love all the elements.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net
Hey Laura! Thanks for sharing an awesome Layout!! And for being part of a very special Hop!! I have been a follower for a while now and like your blog!! Happy Memorial day to you and your's!!

ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com
Brenda said…
Great LO! I also have that paper and stickers from K&Co. I'll be using it to scrap some more pictures of my brother's retirement from the Air Force. I'm a new follower!

What a great page to honor your husband! Thank you to your husband for his service and to you and your family. My dad retired from the Army after 26 years and my hubby served in the Army for 5 years.

Jess (aka Sparksgal)
ncscrapper77 (at) gmail (dot) com
Irene Lenihan said…
That is a great layout. I like the way you laid it out.
Unknown said…
What a great page, and I love all the details that you added to it.
Mrs. Green said…
You were right - this is an awesome tribute page! Thank you to your husband, you and your family for your service!

Thanks for being in the hop!

Trinity said…
you did an awsome layout and love all the details that you put into it. I'm a new follower.
Josie0602 said…
That page doesnt need Cricut...it is just a fabulous tribute to your husband! Thank you for his service to our country!
Lillian Child said…
LOVE the clean crisp look to your fabulous tribute page! My husband is a decorated vietnam veteran and I am always on the lookout for patriotic inspiration as I love making cards for our local VFW to help raise a few dollars for special events, etc. Happy Memorial Day and give your husband a HUG!!
Dreama said…
Lovely tribute!
Karen S. said…
Beautiful layout! What an awesome tribute to your husband for his service to our country!

karenskapin at yahoo dot com
What an awesome way to honor your husband.

Anonymous said…
LOVE the layout!


PS I am a follower but the only way I have been able to post is anonymously. I apologize for this.
Just wanted You to know that I posted another card on my blog for the blog hop...if you get a chance swing by an check it out!

Alicia said…
Very nice layout. Thank your husband for his service and thank you for your support of a military man.

skydolphin on cricut mb
waidc said…
First, thank your hubby for his service and second, this is a wonderful tribute to him. Love it !!
IRW Dana said…
What a wonderful layout celebrating all your husband did for our country. Please tell him THANK YOU for his many years of protecting and serving our country!
It's great to be in this wonderful blog hop with you.
Jamie said…
Love that you shared this with us, Ms. Laura. :) I keep getting the question from my husband, "when are you ever going to start my album?" You did a great job!
Brenda said…
Nice layout!!
jcinokc said…
Love the layout. It looks amazing. Thanks for the hop and giveaway!

jenlovcarr at aol dot com
L.B. said…
What a nice page. Great hop.
Unknown said…
What an awesome tribute.
I bet your husband loved it
Jana said…
GREAT layout, you did a wonderful job of representing your pride for your husband and country. Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to win a treat :)
Kris Dietz said…
I love your layout. What a great way to honor your husband and his (your family's) career. TFS.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com
Nice way to honor your husband. My husband served in Air Force during Vietnam war.
"Sunshine HoneyBee"
MsJay said…
Very nice layout.
J said…
Beautiful layout!!!
Justina1218 at aim.com
ShersL84bed said…
Fabulous layout. You did a beautiful job.

Smiles Sher
RockinRenee said…
Very patriotic layout. Great job! I have enjoyed hopping with you.
Nana Donna said…
That is awesome, congratulations and thanks to your hubby. I have a son-in-law retiring from the Air Force in February and a grandson in Navy A school. I know how proud you are.

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