Promises Kept

Ok, so a long time ago I promised Bethanie we would look into getting Horse Back Riding Lessons again, it is time to keep promises. Tomorrow is her first lesson and part of her Birthday Present, I'm so excited for her. She is tickled.

Big news this week is Bethanie turned 16. (Where oh where has my little girl gone?) I miss my little girl sometimes, but what a wonderful young lady we have. She is such a nice person, I'm so proud to know her.

Well, her birthday was something else. The day before her birthday Meme suprised both kids by giving them her old car. They are both so excited they have a car to learn to drive with. I'm excited for them too. I am happy that they will be able to learn to drive and have transportation at the same time, I'm terrified that they are going to be driving.

Billy went on a business trip this week, he left Monday and came back Thursday it was short and sweet, but he was so missed. I had such a hard time sleeping because he wasn't here. It is all good now, I got a really good night's rest last night. :)

School didn't make it any easier this week: I had such a hard time this week with all the new students who came to me after school started again after the holidays and then surprise!!! Another student today. I'm shocked and amazed by the changes in the classroom this year. I miss my little class, I went from 8 to 11 and how crazy is that. I would have 13 but I graduated 2 up to the other Pre-K teacher. Her class is getting crazy full too. We are both just so grateful to have a job. Next year the both of us may not have one. The budget cuts they have to make this year and next to keep the school system afloat means they MAY have to let all the teachers go who are on an annual contract. The unknown is killing me. I need to know if I have a job so that I can start looking for another one now. I really don't want to have to compete will all of the annual contract teachers for a job. Maybe if I do not get a job as a teacher it will mean it is time to do something else for awhile. Who knows.

Scrapbooking! I actually got a couple of more pages done! This is about Christmas I'm not usually that quick about getting my pictures scrapped so soon. It was nice to do something that recent.
This is my classroom that I spent so much time this summer cleaning, it will hardly be fair if I lose my job this year. I gave my whole summer getting ready for those kids and I don't want that to be my last year. Who knows what will happen, I just really wanted a chance to get good at something and I'm almost positive I will be doing something different next year. :(
Thanks for letting me ramble! :) Good Night! Pictures later today of Bethanie riding the horse!


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