Leap Day
Today is Leap Day! I don't remember the last leap day but I know it happened in 2004 just doing the math! :) This year I have a few pictures of me at school because it was crazy hat day. Do I have pictures uploaded on my computer yet...NOPE! :)

Lots of neat things going on around here. Billy got a JOB with Tybrin Corporation out of Eglin. Yippee and the only one boo hiss in the whole thing. He has to drive an hour to and from work every day. He started work on Monday. His first full week of work and he is wiped out! :) It was funny last Sunday we were hanging out and I would take a picture of Billy and say "your last day of retirement. " The last few months have been really weird but eye opening. We really used to blow a lot of money. Thank you Lord for the lesson, we will be getting out of debt! :)
Ok, scrapbook wise lately, I have been redoing my room. (AGAIN!) LOL Not really an again, just slowly working towards the plan I had from the beginning. 
It just takes time and I figure if you own the house you can take all the time you want, right? :)

It just takes time and I figure if you own the house you can take all the time you want, right? :)
These are some of the cubes I have been buying a few a time and adding to the room. It makes the room look a lot less cluttered. :) I really like the streamlined look! :) I really hated the plastic iris carts. This room is much too pretty for iris carts!
I hate the stuff poking out of the divided cubes, but I don't think I can ever help that! :) It just means I have to use it up! :) I am trying to do that but don't seem to have much motivation lately. I joined the Month long Cybercrop on DS2 yahoo group and all I managed to get was 67 points! Geez! What is wrong with me lately. I have plenty of pictures to scrap and lots of ideas, just not taking the time to do it. Of course, I have been spending a lot of time with Billy in the evenings and I have been going to bed really early! :) I'm still trying to get myself well, I still have this lingering coughing and sniffling thing! UGH!!! Branch does too. It might be time to go back to the Doctor and say, hey this is not virus...after a month it is not a VIRUS! :(
Hopefully soon I will get my mojo back! :)
Now here is a deeper look of a very sick mind!! :)
What are inside these drawers you ask? Some of the things in there are dies and other stuff..just lots and lots of stuff! :)
I have even changed these pictures since I took them! I have added a 30 tier paper rack like you see in a scrapbook store to hold all the paper that is in the wire rack on top of the cubes. :) I really like being able to see my paper easier than in the cropper hopper paper holders. I have been putting my big scrap pads on all the tiers and that helps! :)
I am going to go to bed now as I am rambling now! good night!
I tagged you (check out my blog, http://senomes-designs.blogspot.com)