Happy Easter
For all of you who celebrate Easter! :) Happy Easter!
I'm trying to get my Scrapbook Mojo back and what better way then to have a mini crop for Easter! :)
Easter Crop:
Who wants to have some fun this weekend and get some scrapping done! :) I am so ready to have some fun scrappin' this weekend! :)
I am going to list 5 challenges for this weekend.
Challenge 1:
How many of us made some kind of bunny in Elemetary school that had felt ears, googly eyes and a milk carton and some cotton balls. My challenge to you is to use some felt on your layout or set of 4 cards.

Challenge 2:
Oh, all those pictures of eggs, decorating, hiding, inside Easter baskets. The challenge this time is..yep, you guessed it...use eggs/ovals in a layout or a set of four cards! :) You just must use the shape, it does not need to be Easter related, but come on, we have all those pictures you may as well use them!
I'm trying to get my Scrapbook Mojo back and what better way then to have a mini crop for Easter! :)
Easter Crop:
Who wants to have some fun this weekend and get some scrapping done! :) I am so ready to have some fun scrappin' this weekend! :)
I am going to list 5 challenges for this weekend.
Challenge 1:
How many of us made some kind of bunny in Elemetary school that had felt ears, googly eyes and a milk carton and some cotton balls. My challenge to you is to use some felt on your layout or set of 4 cards.
Challenge 2:
Oh, all those pictures of eggs, decorating, hiding, inside Easter baskets. The challenge this time is..yep, you guessed it...use eggs/ovals in a layout or a set of four cards! :) You just must use the shape, it does not need to be Easter related, but come on, we have all those pictures you may as well use them!
(this one is left challenge 2 and right is challenge 5. :)
challenge 3:
Spring really has sprung...March 20 was the first day of spring. (really for all you snow encrusted people it really has! :)
My Challenge for you is to use "Spring" in your title somewhere. Even if it is a "spring in your step" kind of layout. Or maybe a slinky layout...who knows, but spring must be in the title somewhere! :)
challenge 4:
Use this sketch from Becky Fleck's PageMaps! :)

challenge 3:
Spring really has sprung...March 20 was the first day of spring. (really for all you snow encrusted people it really has! :)
My Challenge for you is to use "Spring" in your title somewhere. Even if it is a "spring in your step" kind of layout. Or maybe a slinky layout...who knows, but spring must be in the title somewhere! :)
challenge 4:
Use this sketch from Becky Fleck's PageMaps! :)

Challenge 5
My Last Easter challenge for you is related to that ever famous Easter bunny! Do a page about an animal/animals. It could be a pet, a zoo, or even your kid acting like a monkey! :) Just use animals on your layout somewhere. (animal die cuts to pictures, I really don't care how you use it!) Use animals on your layout or set of 4 cards! :)
Enjoy my little Easter Challenge, post your stuff in the comment box on my blog or set up a file on DS2. So have fun...Oh yea, prizes, durn I forgot about someone maybe wanting a prize! :)
BONUS Challenge! Did you know that Polaroid is no longer making film. After this year they will no longer be making the polaroid instant film. So my challenge is to do a layout using your old or new polaroids! :)
Graduated schedule on the prizes! :)
Do 1 challenge and get put in for a 41 cent rak. (the prize will fit in an envelope and be sent with one stamps)
Do 2 challenges and you get put in for an 82. cent rak! (the prize will fit in a 6 x 9 manilla with 2 stamps! :)
Do 3 challenges and you are going to get a mini book with some assorted emblishments to go with it! :)
Do 4 challenges and Congratulations you got a lot done this weekend! You are also set to win a page done by me! (send me pics and I'll scrap it for you!)
Do 5 challenges and you get put in for a michael's Gift Card worth 10 dollars or a set a the sizzlit back to school 4 die set. (a 19.99 value)
bonus challenge is just for fun and can be combined with the other 5.
All of these challenges are NOT to be combined, only the bonus challenge can be combined with Challenges 1 through 5.
Have fun!
Thanks for playing and if you don't get to play have fun with your family! :)
Hugs and let the Scrapbooking begin!