I believe I will work again someday soon, but right now, I'm just thinking of the SUMMER!!! This one will not be lost in sadness and in a classroom!

We've been to the beach, taken Branch to work, taken the dog to the Dog Beach. Played the box game, (cornhole for you mid-western folks) played frisbee...walked the dog, gone swimming, LOVED sleeping in. All of the above and we have been out of school for less than a week. Oh yes, and then the regular stuff...Branch with guitar lessons, and Bethanie with Horseback Riding on Saturdays! :)
What do we have planned! :) Bethanie is going to go to Tennessee to see one of her Best Friends, Branch is going to work, I'm NOT...:) We are going to go see Green Day in August and we will be going to the beach at least once a week for the whole summer. WhY? Because we live close to it and it would be a terrible shame not to go and enjoy the breeze and the water! :)
Job stuff...Do I have to talk about it? I Don't really want to, so suffice to say, I'm out of work and
the room is sad again...

Did you know Branch graduated from High School? Who said he could be old enough to graduate High School. It makes me so sad and happy at the same time. I never knew something that makes you so proud could hurt so bad.
Ok...Time to go...I have so much SUMMER to enjoy!!! I will be posting pretties soon!