Happy Birthday Bethanie!


 My Dearest Daughter turned 18 today. How did I end up with a woman in my home? I miss my little baby, but I love the woman she is becoming. She makes me proud to be her mom and I LOVE being her mother.

She opted for no actual party this year at the house.  She just wanted to go to the local Hibache restaurant and enjoy a good dinner with family.  We were lucky to have Grandpa come with us to eat.  He had never been to a Japanese steakhouse.  He loved the food and the experience!  Daddy partied it up at the Japanese Steakhouse.  They offered him Saki and he took them up on it! Silly man! Branch and Bethanie both caught food with their mouth and Billy had  thrown at him. Maybe he shouldn't have offered the cook a mouthful of Wasabi!

Bethanie loves the Volcano they make with the onion on the grill.  It keeps us all warm! :)

Here is our beautiful birthday girl with her flower and ice cream for her birthday.  How did she turn 18?

Of course I have to add something crafty!  (I am keeping busy this  year so far).  Billy had a Dr.'s appointment yesterday to get his eyes checked.  I started to show him the Car Decals catridge on the gypsy.  I showed him the elk and how we could cut the animal out of vinyl for his truck. He says "Nah, I'd rather have a Whitetail Buck."  I said, "I have one of those."  He says..."well, let's see!"
This is what we came up with to go on his truck.  I used the white tail buck off of the Car Decals cartridge,   with the hodgepodge button highlighted at 6.0 inches height.  The details were hidden with the contour button except the mouth and the eye.  The letters were cut out using Old West standard font at 1.5 inches.  The SL HC is the State Line Hunting Club
This is the proof of what we are going to put on his truck.  I am having a blast learning new things with my Imagine and my cricut. I will have more Imagine items coming.

Thanks for looking and making comments. 

I will be back tomorrow with my One Word for the Year.  I think it found me. :)


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