Happy New Year; New Decade!

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010

I am hoping that this all finds you safe and sound and not too off kilter from celebrating the New Year. :) We have had a nice Christmas break and it is almost over. Tomorrow I will spend the morning in the classroom getting things ready for the first day back to school. I am looking forward to seeing my boys, but really not ready to go back to school full throttle. The only thing I can say is that I get to ease back into things before I have to start another Autism Endorsement class. I sure hope it is not as work intensive as the last one. That is really going to go poorly with moving to a new classroom and gaining another student.

Billy will be a traveling man again in January. He will be gone from January 11 to Jan 22. At least he gets to go somewhere he has always wanted to go. He gets to go to Washington D.C. I am so excited for him. I am a tiny bit jealous, but someone has to hold down the fort and take care of the animals, etc. The standing order is a coffee cup. He gets the kids shirts and I want a coffee cup! :)

(Billy with Dorian 12/29/09)

Bethanie will be turning 17 this year, wow...didn't I just bring her home from the hospital? Didn't she just learn to ride her bike, Didn't she just have a hula performance? I am so happy to know this special young lady and sad that she is no longer my little girl. The only thing that I have wished for her is that she would be taller than me. One wish that has been denied, poor kid is exactly the same height as I am. She says she is "fun size" I tend to agree.

Branch is growing up. Still loving the guitar and work, and learning to be a grown up. I am so proud of this guy. I just can't believe how awesome he is. Autism is not something to be afraid of, it is challenging but some things can be overcome with the right attitude. This guy has the right attitude. It is very rare that he is sad or down, he has the best attitude I have ever seen on anyone.

Me? I am happy to be blessed with a wonderful family that love me. This is the year I get my VW Bug. I am so excited. I am still contemplating painting in purple and the peace signs will definitely be on there. I totally dig purple and peace! Other items of interest, still loving the teaching, the family, and scrapbooking. Not a lot of time devoted to scrapping since everything else is up in the air, but I'm hoping to achieve something this year. I am part of a challenge on my yahoo board. It is 365 challenges, I'm just aiming for 365 pages, no matter what size! :)

I will have another post with my resolutions and word for the year, but for now. Happy New Year and I hope you have a Blessed and posperous 2010.


Teresa said…
You commented on my quilt - the Christmas tree one....I bought the pattern in Maggie Valley, NC at a little quilt shop called Quilters Quarters. They are wonderful and if they have it, I am sure they would mail it to you.
It's called - Holiday Lights by Alex Anderson.

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