March Madness
March Madness Scrapbook Style!!!!
I have been very productive in March. I am very proud of myself, but now it must come to an end! :) I have to get ready for Easter and that means I will be cleaning and decorating more than scrapping. (It's all good, it means more pictures to scrap later) LOL Funny how life works out that way.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Billy, it is him in his element, on a boat with his dad. He loved fishing with his dad. The most important thing about this picture is what is NOT in there, Dad...he is taking the picture of Billy and the fish. Miss the stories...We miss you Dad and it won't be the same without you.

After that heavy subject, I had to do these pictures of our sweet Hailey, she is such a love. She is a little sad here because Dad was not there and she missed him so much. *Scrapbookers...this layout was using the March kit from Lifetime Moments online store. So much fun stuff in that most favorite kit from them yet. ( I loved January too)
I have been very productive in March. I am very proud of myself, but now it must come to an end! :) I have to get ready for Easter and that means I will be cleaning and decorating more than scrapping. (It's all good, it means more pictures to scrap later) LOL Funny how life works out that way.
So, I'm in a much better place than I was when I wrote in here a couple of weeks ago. I go back and read that post and want to delete it, but it was necessary and cathartic to write and so I am going to leave it in there. Now I know that things happen for a reason, even if I'm not aware of it yet, so I am in a much better much more accepting place than I was before. :) (so have you noticed that there are too many smilies and too many parenthesis, I know...get over it) ! LOL :) :) :) :)
Anyhow I digress...Here are the things I have been working on this last couple of weeks of March. (I just wrote January, wow am I behind the times)!
Seriously: Here are the pictures! :)
This is one of my favorite pictures of Billy, it is him in his element, on a boat with his dad. He loved fishing with his dad. The most important thing about this picture is what is NOT in there, Dad...he is taking the picture of Billy and the fish. Miss the stories...We miss you Dad and it won't be the same without you.
*Scrapbookers--this is the oldest stuff I have in my stash, the background paper is DMD paper I bought from JoAnns when I first started scrapbooking!...the patterned paper is Cloud 9 Designs, gone fishing...this is circa 2002. The reeds and stuff were cut out of a piece of Cloud much fun. The title is Typist by Quickutz.
After that heavy subject, I had to do these pictures of our sweet Hailey, she is such a love. She is a little sad here because Dad was not there and she missed him so much. *Scrapbookers...this layout was using the March kit from Lifetime Moments online store. So much fun stuff in that most favorite kit from them yet. ( I loved January too)
This is one of my favorite pictures of Bethanie, she is so pretty, even when she is being a smarty pants. Love it, she is just so Tink in this picture and of course she is wearing Tinkerbell. Although after the first time she wore the shirt to school, she would not wear it again because 3 other girls were wearing the same exact shirt...*sigh* She does NOT want to be like everyone else. Yep, that's my kid and I'm so proud of her, but dang she looks so cute in that shirt! :)
*scrapbook paper, Rouge de Garance...Prima bling, flowers, and wings, Martha Stewart (gag) garnet glitter. Love the glitter am not a Martha fan at all!!! Cricut indie art cartridge for the heart and Ellison Go Slim font for the title. I ran the letters through the xyron machine upside down and attached the glitter and then ran the item through the xyron again to stick them down.
Even I will admit this is a bit much for a receipt box...but it makes me happy (sticking out tongue) so there! It keeps me motivated to hold on to my receipts until next year. We took a hit on taxes that I don't want to take and it is such a pain in the butt...but it is worth it to get that tax credit. I really don't want to owe in the "thousand's" ever again! That sucked big time!
So, this is our little motivator to keep up with the receipts.
A close up of the box just because I like to play with my little tulip setting on my camera! :) (macro I know) LOL The papers I used were from the Life's Journey 108 page pack of K & Co. paper, it is my FAVORITE line ever of their papers. I probably shouldn't have used the pretty poppies with the paper flowers, but I LIKE IT! So there...(tongue out at you) LOL I'm playful and little giddy tonight, too much coffee and m & m's. Hey shannon where is that little sizzix guy...down the drain or drowning in the coffee? LOL
This is what some of the dividers look like for each month. The little pocket holds some post it notes to put the totals of all the receipts on so that I can keep up with the totals. It is turning out to be an eye opener. We really do pay a lot in sales tax every month. Amazing really! :)