So you had a bad day or 2 or week?

Well here I am and "I keep passing open windows," and keep on keeping on. Ok, so life could be so much worse, but here it goes. Tuesday I had to sign my pink slip for work. This is an annual event for teachers who do not have a permanent contract. The only difference about this year is that the principal could not guarantee that she would be able to call me back for next year. So that means the clean out will begin soon. I spent my summer last year cleaning out my room and buying toys and nice things for the kids to play with. Now I have to bring it all home because I won't be reimbursed for it. I am a little sorry for the next teacher who comes in that room because they will have an empty room, no curtains, nothing that I made or spent my money on will be there. Considering most of the prior teacher's items were thrown away because they should never have been brought into the school. The yard sale queen had lots of dirty, broken, and really smelly items. I could not take the smell of that place. Anyway I guess I am a little mad about spending whatever summer I had last year in that classroom. Man all that time spent, essentially for NOTHING. It was so disheartening to hear that I may not have that job again. WOW. I didn't realize how much I have been identifying myself with my job. Seriously about losing my job I am really not that worried because I was looking for a job when I got that one. I know there is going to be a job for somewhere, maybe not next school year, but I won't be jobless forever. I can't be, I have to feed teen-agers and boy do they eat a lot! :)

Wednesday I call Billy after school like I always do and he was sick as a dog. He was at the Dr.'s office getting seen because he felt like crap. I was shocked, I knew he had trouble sleeping the night before (hence my 3 hours of sleep...ugh) but I didn't realize it was that bad. IT turns out he has a terrible sinus infection that has his poor face all swollen and in so much pain. I felt so bad for him, he ended up going to bed before I took Branch to guitar lessons. At least Hailey was happy, she got to go to bed with him for awhile. :)

Thursday was another bad day. I was feeling a little yucky all day and feeling like I was going to
be sick like Billy. Feeling like I should just skip my American Sign Language I really should listen to my feelings like that. I ended up in a minor car accident. I got a ticket because I rear ended a mustang, (a really pretty one) and she hit the truck in front of her. The good news no one was hurt. The air bags did not go off in any of the cars, but now I have a messed up bumper and I think my radiator may have a slight leak. Billy doesn't want to spend a lot of money to fix the car. (no collision so it will come out of our pocket...who has collision on a 10 year old car)! So, we may be buying me a car soon, but I really don't want to do that if I don't have a job, I would rather just fix my little car and make sure it can get me to my few little places in town. This means getting Branch from work daily and I will be ok until I get another job. I would rather take the money I'm making now and pay off credit cards and worry about a car later. You never know I may be able to keep my job next year at OBE...that would be cool. Then I wouldn't NEED a car. If I get a job at another work location I would need a car but then I would have a job and I wouldn't mind having to pay for one.

So Friday I had planned on taking off so I could get commissary shopping done and taking care of the house. I figure I have all those sick days and I'm quite sure the school district is not going to cash them out for me at the end of the year so I am trying to take them all! I wake up and I'm SICK...geez. chin up old girl. I am trying not to cry at this point. I really haven't cried, I didn't cry when I wrecked my is a first. I was feeling like I wanted to cry on Thursday evening when I was pulling into the drive way because I know I disappointed Billy. Silly guy acts like he's hiding behind the lamp post so I don't hit him. He made me laugh and here I'm afraid to face him, I should know better than that at this point in my life. I just hate to disappoint him. He gave me a big a hug and say's "well, it happens." Love that guy! I still got all the commissary shopping done on Friday and a little stop in at AC Moore as well. :) I didn't buy much, just a bazzill stabbing matte to go with those neat sewing stencils. I can't wait to try them. (I had a bad week, I deserved a little bit of retail therapy) this was a bad week but nothing like last year so I really have nothing to complain about. HOWEVER I am a woman so I'm complaining a little bit! :)

I'm going to go to bed soon...and I will try to remember to add pictures to this post of my poor little car and maybe a layout or two I would like to do some scrapping this weekend. I have so much neat new stuff to use up.

Maybe I will post tomorrow a postive post! :)

Live, Laugh, Love!!!

I am learning to APPRECIATE everything I have even the lack of TIME to get everything done that I need/want to get done! :)


Lis said…
Awww.....shucks! I hope this coming week is MUCH better.
Ishadow said…
I also hope this coming week is MUCH better!!

as you said- chin up and just keep saying "Next"!!
Unknown said…
:o( awww, poor sweet baby (picture snoopy patting lucy on the hand saying that...) I saw that on a peanuts cartoon when I was in high school and after that I always had my baby brother who was 3 at the time pat my hand and say poor sweet baby when I was having a tough time and it ALWAYS works!!
great big hugs!!
dirtyjeepgirlie said…
love you honey! sorry you had a craptastic week.

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