Blog Candy!!! The NON-Challenge
I have a bonus challenge for you.
Do not use any challenge, do not use any Sketches…Just use your imagination to do a page.
Do whatever you want…This is actually a NON-Challenge.
The reason why I have this challenge for you is because I just put all the pages I have done since August away ( it is a truly paltry number) and found EVERY ONE of them were in response to a challenge. Whether it was part of the CT duties at Gettin’ Sketchy or Lifetime Moments Scrapfests or Dedicated Swappers II Scrap off challenge. Not one thing was just because. Not one item was just because I wanted to scrap. That scares me now that I have turned my beloved hobby into something “I have to do.”
Not a single one of these pages were my own creation or idea. None, nada, Zip. What happened? I never used sketches 3 years ago and I truly LOVED my pages. Now I look at my pages and they are all starting to look the same.
Becky Fleck is a talented sketch artist…but they are all HER style, not mine, wait a minute, what is my style? I don't remember anymore., Any way, Becky's pagemaps are all looking quite the same after awhile, the same with Mrs. Becky Higgins, and why did she fall by the way side? We all got tired of it.
Right now I’m sick to death of sketches…they are useful in a pinch, but I think I am now way too reliant on them. I think it is time to cancel some subscriptions and go back to doing what I used to do. Sketch and draw myself.
One of my happiest times was when I could just take the time and sketch. I loved the hour I would get to sketch by going to the community center while my daughter took her Hula lesson. I sketched a week’s worth of ideas and then went home and did them. They didn’t always look the same as the sketch I drew afterward, but I had done it myself, I had tweaked it myself.
I really can’t remember the last time I did that. What has happened to me and my love of glue and paper, now I can’t seem to put a page together unless someone tells me what to do. Where to put this element, how large the photo can be, what kind of borders do I need, what colors am I going to use. Ack!!! What happened to me?
Ok so here comes the Blog Candy! :0)

Submit your challenge layouts to me, (and if I recognize any sketches, I’m going to disqualify it!):-) (this also includes colorblocking templates, etc)
Submit your challenges here IN the comment section down below and you will be in the running for an autumn surprise package shown above that includes Prima Flowers, Flair Designs autumn stickers, Goodie box by Doodlbebug, brads, 10 sheets of paper from Rusty Pickle, Sweetwater, and Around the block, Magic Scraps faux buttons, and Karen Foster Stickers, and other assorted odds and ends. Thanks for reading! :0)
Happy Scrapping!!! (really scrapping!)
Do not use any challenge, do not use any Sketches…Just use your imagination to do a page.
Do whatever you want…This is actually a NON-Challenge.
The reason why I have this challenge for you is because I just put all the pages I have done since August away ( it is a truly paltry number) and found EVERY ONE of them were in response to a challenge. Whether it was part of the CT duties at Gettin’ Sketchy or Lifetime Moments Scrapfests or Dedicated Swappers II Scrap off challenge. Not one thing was just because. Not one item was just because I wanted to scrap. That scares me now that I have turned my beloved hobby into something “I have to do.”
Not a single one of these pages were my own creation or idea. None, nada, Zip. What happened? I never used sketches 3 years ago and I truly LOVED my pages. Now I look at my pages and they are all starting to look the same.
Becky Fleck is a talented sketch artist…but they are all HER style, not mine, wait a minute, what is my style? I don't remember anymore., Any way, Becky's pagemaps are all looking quite the same after awhile, the same with Mrs. Becky Higgins, and why did she fall by the way side? We all got tired of it.
Right now I’m sick to death of sketches…they are useful in a pinch, but I think I am now way too reliant on them. I think it is time to cancel some subscriptions and go back to doing what I used to do. Sketch and draw myself.
One of my happiest times was when I could just take the time and sketch. I loved the hour I would get to sketch by going to the community center while my daughter took her Hula lesson. I sketched a week’s worth of ideas and then went home and did them. They didn’t always look the same as the sketch I drew afterward, but I had done it myself, I had tweaked it myself.
I really can’t remember the last time I did that. What has happened to me and my love of glue and paper, now I can’t seem to put a page together unless someone tells me what to do. Where to put this element, how large the photo can be, what kind of borders do I need, what colors am I going to use. Ack!!! What happened to me?
Ok so here comes the Blog Candy! :0)

Submit your challenge layouts to me, (and if I recognize any sketches, I’m going to disqualify it!):-) (this also includes colorblocking templates, etc)
Submit your challenges here IN the comment section down below and you will be in the running for an autumn surprise package shown above that includes Prima Flowers, Flair Designs autumn stickers, Goodie box by Doodlbebug, brads, 10 sheets of paper from Rusty Pickle, Sweetwater, and Around the block, Magic Scraps faux buttons, and Karen Foster Stickers, and other assorted odds and ends. Thanks for reading! :0)
Happy Scrapping!!! (really scrapping!)
PS- I love your music selections...many are mine too.
Myra :-)
It's on my blog.