
One of the Newest Creative Team member at Gettin' Sketchy! WOO HOO...I'm so excited! :) I love being part of a team and I haven't been able to do that for a long time. It is so nice to finally be established enough in the new house/job/area to pursue other things I like to do too! :)

The sketch this month is:

Please go to http://www.gettinsketchy.blogspot.com/
This is the coolest thing too...PRIZES!!! All you have to do is your take on the sketch and upload it to a gallery and then link the layout in a comment on the blog and we pick a sketch and call it winner and they get a PRIZE!! WOO HOO...talk about fun stuff!
I'm psyched up about this. My family is happy for me.

Now, on to the not so good news. (I always start with the good news right?)

Billy's night in the E.R.

My Dear sweet Billy has been hurting on the left side of his belly for about a week or little longer. He can't even stand straight up as it hurts, he says it feels like he is being ripped apart from the inside. It makes me so sad, he is in so much pain. We were in the Emergency room from 4:00 PM to almost 12:00 AM last night trying to get answers about why he is having pain. They had him give a urine sample, four vials of blood (the vampires!) an IV was inserted, and a barium CT scan. The last is what took so long. He had to drink 3 large cups of the Tang-like concoction down over 4 hours. After that he was glowing on the inside and they had him do the scan.

His appendix is fine, his labs looked fine, he does not have any kind of infection, and he does not have a hernia. We kind of found out the NOT's but not the What is it! We were told he needs to go to his regular doctor to get a referal to a gastronologist and they will most likely have a colonoscopy done. Poor guy. The highlight of the night, he got MORPHINE to ease his pain, as soon as the pain went away he realized he was hungry. He has not been able to enjoy eating because every time he eats he hurts. He knows he must eat so that he does not get sick because he is not eating right. He is truly danged if he does and danged if he doesn't. I'm sad he has this problem, he is hurting and I can't make it better. Isn't that my job to make things better for everyone, and I hate it when I can't because a very real part of my psyche believes that I am failing him. How am I failng him because I can't make him feel better. I think it is the mom syndrome, trying to make things better for everyone. All I can do now is trust the Lord is watching over him and he will show us the right way.

I also have other really good news but I can't put it after this...My beautiful son! :) That will be in the next post! :) Hugs and thank you for reading.



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