My first attempt at a photo!

going to try to add a photo to my blog. The layout I spoke of in my first post!
This is the layout that I view as Ellie Flannaganish! :) She has inspired me, not by her layouts which I think are somewhat messy, but by the designers she has used in her book. WOW, they are great without being quite as messy as she is.
More official news! :) I have Lost more weight! AWESOME stuff! I am down to 1^& pounds...not that anyone needs to know that number. How about I have lost 28 pounds and I'm still losing. I'm proud of myself, I'm starting to see some changes in my body. Good ones!!! (The back rolls aren't touching anymore) EEEEEEEEEWWWWWW HUNH? That is probably more information than you wanted, but that s the case! The MAIN reason why I had to change my lifestyle. It was rather disgusting. That and we are going to be moving back to the mainland from HI in April, so I would rather my family not go...*gag* good to see you *(whisper whisper...gosh, she got fat)* LOL
I know silly, but now I'm down to lower than when I left Mississippi so I feel better.
I'll post a recent picture of me and Branch on his birthday in front of the Wyland Art Gallery at the Aloha Tower Market Place in Honolulu.
Boy that was an adventure. It was kind of sad too. He is no longer my little boy...he is 16! :(
I feel like I blinked and he was a young man. I miss my baby sometimes, and his little puppy sounds when he first woke up. I don't miss the tantrums and the horrible uncertainty of autism at 3, I think I would just erase that information from my head if I could! :)
This is rambling, so I'm going to go I'll come back later...(sometime later, tomorrow, next week! Who knows!)
Thanks for looking!