
Showing posts from October, 2008

Blog Candy!!! The NON-Challenge

I have a bonus challenge for you. Do not use any challenge, do not use any Sketches…Just use your imagination to do a page. Do whatever you want…This is actually a NON-Challenge. The reason why I have this challenge for you is because I just put all the pages I have done since August away ( it is a truly paltry number) and found EVERY ONE of them were in response to a challenge. Whether it was part of the CT duties at Gettin’ Sketchy or Lifetime Moments Scrapfests or Dedicated Swappers II Scrap off challenge. Not one thing was just because. Not one item was just because I wanted to scrap. That scares me now that I have turned my beloved hobby into something “I have to do.” Not a single one of these pages were my own creation or idea. None, nada, Zip. What happened? I never used sketches 3 years ago and I truly LOVED my pages. Now I look at my pages and they are all starting to look the same. Becky Fleck is a talented sketch artist…but they are all HER style, not mine, wait a minute, wh...

The new sketch at GettinSketchy

I heard lots of of people say that they weren't crazy about the one picture layout! :) This should cure that! :) Enjoy and don't forget to post your link to your page in the comment section or email ! Thanks and have a great day! My take on this sketch! :)