It's been a long time

It has been a long time since I blogged . Lots of things have happened...too much really. My last day at Pea Ridge Elementary was June 8, 2008. I don't think I have ever been so sad about leaving a job in my life. I am excited about the new job but at the same time, I have never felt so much at home in a school. It was such a nice experience, I will miss all my friends. (This is a bunch of the Pea Ridge Crew on my Birthday, From left to right... Becca, Cindy, Amanda, Diane, Me, Bea, Tiffanie) (yes, Bea is real Michelle!) LOL I am going to Oriole Beach Elementary as a Pre-K teacher of 3 year olds. I'm excited about the job but sad to leave my friends. I will be getting a pay raise in that I won't have to pay for the bridge or for gas, but I have a feeling I will be spending a LOT more time at school. Here is a picture of an extremely messy room. Hopefully the next time I blog about my room it will be nice and clean and ready for my students and parents for orientation! :) M...