I'll Always Miss you Mom

Gail Elizabeth Schaan July 30, 1940 -- February 9, 2010 I have no other words to say other than I love you with all my heart and I will miss you every day until we meet again. I love you. Bonnie said it better than I could. Here is what she said at our Family Memorial on Sunday. For Gramms , I Love you It's the little things that make up a year, and the years which make up a life. It's the little things that make up the memories. An I have an abundance of those. I liked to listen to her talk about the family's old stories. I loved to hear her talk about when she was a teenager living in MS. When she yelled at Elvis. That is one of my favorite stories, I must have asked her to tell me that story like 20 times. I remember when I was real young when I spent most of my time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma would let us go through the fence and into the next neighborhood as long as we were in hearing distance. We were never too far away if we could hear her cal...